LightStrike AI
"Stability is Success"
(Wall Street Journal,
Lightstrike leverages the power of AI to seamlessly map complex enterprise environments.
We rapidly generate the definitive source of truth for system integrations and dependencies.
Our AI software empowers your teams to move more quickly, deliver value, and build with confidence.
Single source of truth for enterprise
AI - code level data for business understanding
Monolith decomposition at scale
Enterprise architecture based on invaluable truth - Derived from your Source Code
Development team focus
Business focused
An entirely new approach to enterprise modernization
Enterprises aren’t about what humans can’t make possible. It’s about what they can.
LightStrike AI maps enterprises and makes the impossible, possible.
Our proprietary AI digests millions of lines of code in minutes. Humans can’t do that. Only LightStrike AI can do that.
- Irrefutable single source of truth.
- Empowers the Creation of Actionable plans and tactics.
- Freedom from everything that’s holding you back.
- No more “we-can’t-do-that’s.”
About LightStrike AI
LightStrike AI - The go-to solution for Enterprise Organizations to manage complex software ecosystems.